About Downtown Connellsville
About Downtown Connellsville
Downtown Connellsville Vision & Mission Statement
Downtown Connellsville is an initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust
Downtown Connellsville is an initiative of the Fayette County Cultural Trust
Downtown Connellsville Vision Statement:
Connellsville is a community of rich natural and historic resources where all embrace: local history, the benefits of tourism centered on the Great Allegheny Passage and the Youghiogheny River, the beauty of the environment, the advantages of local services, businesses, artists and crafters; so that both the quality of life and vitality of businesses are improved through increased visitors and active members of the community.
Downtown Connellsville Mission Statement:
With the current business community, natural and historic resources and our cultural diversity as a solid foundation, the Downtown Connellsville Program will provide opportunities for existing and future businesses to expand and flourish by encouraging economic development and revitalization through the promotion of our heritage, the arts and tourism.