Col. William Crawford - Bronze Statue
Artist: Samuel Kilpatrick
Dedicated: 1907
Refurbished: 2019
Location: Connellsville Carnegie Free Library
299 South Pittsburgh Street
The statue was refurbished and cleaned in 2019. Funding from the Fayette County Cultural Trust through donations.

Connellsville B&O Station
Artist: Penn State Fayette
Art & History Students
Date Installed: 1983/Fall 2019
Location: Side of 139 West Crawford Avenue

Molinaro Building - Connellsville History
Artist: Gerald Metzger
Keven Metzger
Restored by: Sheree Cockrell
Location: Molinaro Law Offices
141 West Peach Street

Connellsville Gateway Arch
Artist: Steven Fiscus
Date Installed: 2008
Location: Great Allegheny Passage
entrance to Connellsville behind Martin's Plaza.
Showing off colorful stained-glass panes from the Youghiogheny Opalescent Glass Factory located on the opposite side of town, this 14 ft-high arch is your gateway to Connellsville. Commissioned in 2008 by the Connellsville Redevelopment Authority to celebrate this Trail Town, this arch is a favorite landmark of many along the Great Allegheny Passage.

Coke to Spokes
Artist: Jody Best
Date Installed: 22 May 2012
Location: Great Allegheny Passage
3rd Street in front of the Comfort Inn Hotel
This sculpture at the corner of 1st St. and 3rd St. portrays in bright, brushed steel the coke ovens from a century ago that can still be found along the trail and which made the fuel that powered Pittsburgh’s mills and Connellsville’s economy. Instead of darkening the sky with fiery ash however, these coke ovens erupt with bursts of bicycle wheels for smoke.

Youghiogheny Glass Silos
Artist: Megan Triggs
Location: Great Allegheny Passage
Youghiogheny Glass Factory

Connellsville Canteen Welcome
Artist: Sheree Cockrell
Date Installed: 2012
Location: Connellsville Canteen
131 West Crawford Avenue

Metal Bird Houses
Artist: Connellsville Career & Technical Students
For the past two years, 2018 - 2019 the Connellsville Career & Technical students have made several metal bird houses which were placed in our downtown planters. These bird houses were designed by the school's design class. The metal shop cut out the pieces, and the welding shop welded the pieces together and painted them.

Flight of Fancy
Artist: Liz Jones
Connellsville City Project

Connellsville History
Artist: Jeremy Raymer
Dedicated Fall 2019
Location: Connellsville Italian Social Club
400 West Crawford Avenue

Connellsville History
Artist: Jeremy Raymer
Dedicated Fall 2019
Location: Connellsville Italian Social Club
400 West Crawford Avenue

Connellsville History
Artist: Jeremy Raymer
Dedicated Fall 2019
Location: Connellsville Italian Social Club
400 West Crawford Avenue
The above 4000 square foot public art project, located at 400 West Crawford Avenue in Connellsville, (Italian Social Club) was created by Pittsburgh artist Jeremy Raymer. It depicts the old Connellsville B&O Rail Road Station, an Italian Dinner Scene and a Historic Coke Oven. Summer 2019
Note: (Summer 2022) The Fayette County Cultural Trust partners with property owners in the downtown area to produce these murals. The Italian Social Club was chosen because it was located on the West Side of town and the building was painted white which was ripe for a mural. This mural was installed in the Summer of 2019. When COVID hit, the Italian Social Club fell on hard times because they lost a majority of their patrons. They approached the Cultural Trust because they were closing down and putting their building up for sale. The Cultural Trust stepped up and purchased the building to save these murals and the building (circa 1860's). The money from the sale of the property went to a Geibel Catholic School Scholarship fund. When the Trust purchased the building half of the upstairs was unaccusable because wall's were put over doors leading upstairs. We had a few architects come out to look at the building, so we gained access to the upstairs rooms. These rooms were in such bad condition, and neglected for many many years, that the walls on the inside were bowed inward and outward. The two architects that came out said the building was in such bad shape that one of the outside facing walls could collapse at any moment. They strongly suggested that we have the building taken down for safety concerns and said it would be well over 1 million dollars just to fix the structural issues. Since COVID hit foundations changed their giving priorities to COVID and Food Bank related projects. We had no choice but to sell the building to someone who wanted to develop the land. At this point a developer was able to purchase the property from the Cultural Trust and the building was demolished. The lot was put back in use for other economic development initiatives.
Jeremy Raymer did a fantastic job on this building and we were sad that the building had to be demolished. We hope the citizens of Connellsville enjoyed seeing this public art for the 3 years that it was in place.

Edwin S. Porter
Artist: Randi Stewart
Dedicated Fall 2019
Location: Nicholson Chiropractic
160 West Crawford Avenue

Jesus and Children
Artist: Randi Stewart
Dedicated Winter 2020
Location: First Christian Church
212 South Pittsburgh Street

Artist: Brandi Bee
Dedicated: Still in progress
Location: Great Allegheny Passage
Under 119 Bridge by the Comfort Inn Hotel
Public Art Scene